"Raise your right hand."

"Do you swear to buy comic books monthly, let them corrupt you fully and defend them fearlessly? ... Do you promise to never let anyone tell you that you're too young, too old, or that you can't [buy comic books]?"
" ... Then, I welcome you to the Comic Book Liberation Army."
If you answered yes to Rick Spear's oath, then you are in the right place, and even if you didn't, stick around. We'll do our best to convince you.
Here at CBLA, we may not ride off into the Sunset like Macon and Madison of Rick Spear's and Rob G's Teenagers from Mars to become a Bonny and Clyde duo making it safe for fan boys and fan girls across the nation, but we will take a serious look at oft disregarded medium of comic books.
We'll leave the trivial fan boy arguments to movies such as Mallrats and Comic Book Villains, but we will examine the conception, evolution and influence that comic books have had on American culture. Still, this wouldn't be a legitimate Comic Book Army if we didn't get on the front lines and give a weekly report on new issues as they hit the shelves.
Last but not least, since Infinite Crisis are the buzz words on so many fan girl’s and fan boy’s lips, we'll look at the foundation of this saga, from the first meeting of Barry Allen and Jay Garrick, all the way to the original Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Don't forget your Poly-bags and Acid-free boards.
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